Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia - MA RI or Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia is a high state institutions in Indonesia which is the constitutional system of judicial power holders. The Supreme Court supervises the judicial bodies in the general courts, religious courts, military courts, administrative courts. The Supreme Court consists of the leadership, members of the judges, clerks (panitera), and a secretary. Leaders and judges of the Supreme Court is the supreme judge and the number of judges at most 60 (sixty) people. Chairman of the Supreme Court elected from and by the Supreme Court justices, and was appointed by President.
13 July 2012
Lowongan CPNS Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia - July 2012
Currently Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia open the opportunity for Indonesian Citizen (WNI) who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) Class III / A to be appointed as Panitera Pengganti and Jurusita.
Calon Panitera Pengganti (CPP)
- Calon Panitera Pengganti (CPP) in the General Courts and State Administrative Court (TUN) - A graduate degree (S-1) Faculty of Law
- Calon Panitera Pengganti (CPP) in the Religious Courts - A graduate degree (S-1) from Sharia Faculty or Law Faculty that controls Islamic laws (Ahwal Syakhshyiah, Comparison of Mazhab and the Law, Jinayah Siyasa, Mualamah, Legal Studies)
Calon Jurusita (CJS)
- Calon Jurusita (CJS) in the General Courts and State Administrative Court (TUN) - A graduate degree (S-1) Faculty of Law
- Calon Jurusita (CJS) in the Religious Courts - A graduate degree (S-1) from Sharia Faculty or Law Faculty that controls Islamic laws (Ahwal Syakhshyiah, Comparison of Mazhab and the Law, Jinayah Siyasa, Mualamah, Legal Studies)
For further detail information, please refer official source from Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia on following link below. Registration online through the website will available from 16 July to 28 July 2012.
- Lowongan CPNS Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia - Formasi D3, S1, S2, S2 - July 2012
- Lowongan CPNS BPPT - Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi - Formasi D4, S1 - July 2012
- Lowongan Astra Credit Companies - Future Leader Program - July 2012
- Lowongan Bank Muamalat - Recruitment Muamalat Officer Development Program July 2012
- Lowongan PT Pertamina (Persero) - Recruitment Pertamina Shipping - July 2012
- Lowongan CPNS Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia - Formasi D3, S1, S2, S2 - July 2012
- Lowongan Chevron Indonesia - Recruitment D4, S1 Experienced - July 2012
- Lowongan CPNS Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia - CPNS Kemdikbud July 2012
- Lowongan PT Transportasi Gas Indonesia - Recruitment D3 Transgasindo - July 2012